主要认真药品、生物制品、化妆品的功效(或效价)和清静性评价等监视、注册和委托磨练事情;认证认可项目近百项。拥有高级职称人yuan6人、博士4人、硕士4人,在毒理评价、体外生物活性测定及新要领研究等方面履历富厚。配有基质辅助激光剖析电离航行时间质谱、数字式单分子免疫阵列剖析平台、核酸剖析系蚦hang⒆远咄颗咛ハ赴盅∠低chang⑿《锔叻直媛食上裣低chang⒐嗔魇较赴患觳庖恰⑷远て低chang⒁褐柿靡恰⒏咄坎庑蛞恰⑼干涞缇档仁笛橐瞧鳎煽剐乱┥秆 ⒁┬аЪ凹毙远拘浴⒑憔枚拘浴⒁糯拘浴⒚庖咴浴⑸扯拘浴⑶寰惨├怼⒁┐ρУ惹寰残云兰鄣妊芯渴虑椋抑谱鞴π兰塾弥种旨膊∧W樱ㄉ栌小盎逼范锾婊皇匝槭忠罩氐闶笛槭摇焙汀耙糯拘约觳庥胍煅芯恐氐闶笛槭摇薄
We are mainly engaged in supervision, registration, entrustment inspection of efficacy assessment and safety evaluation studies on drug, biological product and cosmetics. We have the ability to carry out about hundred of testing items passed CMA and CNAS certification. In our department, 6 staffers have obtained senior professional title, 4 with PhD degree and 4 with master degree, all with rich practical experience in toxicological evaluation, bioassay and new method research. We are equipped with many advanced instruments including Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization-Time of Flight Mass Spectrometry (MALDI-TOF-MS), Single Molecular Array Analysis Platform , Nucleic Acid Analysis System (MassARRAY? System), Large Particle Analysis & Sorting System, High Resolution Ultrasound Imaging System for Small Animals, Cellasys Delivers System with Metabolism Monitor, Patchliner Automatic Patch-clamp System, Liquid Chromatograph/Mass Spectrometer (LC/MS) , High-throughput Sequencer, Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM), etc. We can carry out new drug screening, pharmacodynamics and safety evaluation research on acute toxicity, chronic toxicity, genetic toxicity, immunogenicity, reproduction toxicity, safety pharmacology, pharmacokinetics, etc., as well as simulate a variety of disease animal models used in the efficacy assessment. We construct the key laboratory of study on animal alternative testing techniques in safety evaluation of cosmetics and the key laboratory of genetoxicity detection and method study.
部门座右铭 以创新为动力,以质量求生长。