+更多办公室Executive office
党务(人事)科Party Affairs (HR) Department
财政科Accounting Department
营业手艺科Business and Technology Department
质量治理科Quality Management Department
装备保障科Equipment Purchasing and Maintenance Department
信息手艺科Information Technology Department
监视抽检科Supervision and Sampling Department
剖析测试研究室Analysis and Testing Research Department
中药磨练室Traditional Chinese Medicine Testing Department
化学尊龙凯时室Chemical Drugs Testing Department
生物制品磨练室Department of Biological Products Testing
化妆品磨练室Cosmetics Testing Department
药理毒理室Pharmacology and Toxicology Department
尊龙凯时综合营业部Medical Devices General Business Department
无源尊龙凯时检测部Non-active Medical Devices Testing Department
体外诊断试剂检测部In-vitro Diagnostic Reagents Testing Department
有源尊龙凯时检测部Active Medical Devices Testing Department